Seamlessly connecting collateral givers and receivers

Farzana Khan
The demand for collateral will only increase into the future. Our aim is to support the South African capital market in monetising securities as collateral and realising the benefits of enhanced liquidity, collateral fluidity and risk reduction.
Enhancing market liquidity
Strate’s Collateral Services supports the South African financial markets by enhancing market liquidity, enabling collateral fluidity and, among other things, helping to mitigate counterparty credit risks.
Supporting growth
in the wider economy
Through our central collateral platform offering, we aim to support growth in the wider economy by contributing to an efficient and effective capital market in South Africa that aligns to international standards.
Mobilising assets
other than cash
Using best-of-breed technology in a secure environment, we facilitate the traceable re-use and mobilisation of assets as collateral, reducing the demand for cash.
A leading technology approach
Through our effective, end-to-end solution for market participants, developed in partnership with Clearstream, part of the Deutsche Borsë Group, we offer:
- Automated selection, allocation and optimisation of collateral across a range of contractual obligations
- Unlimited collateral substitution in accordance with eligibility, sales and corporate events
- Collateral management by perfection of pledge or outright title transfer
- Re-use of securities, if permitted, with traceability of collateral within a secure environment
- Daily evaluation and reconciliation of collateral across all contractual obligations
- Real-time monitoring of collateral eligibility and sufficiency, for both givers and receivers
Connecting the collateral community
We serve South Africa’s collateral community using a tri-party approach to unlock the benefits of effective collateral management.
To find out more about how our Collateral Services triparty platform solution works, including its benefits, features and mechanisms, watch the video.

End-to-end collateral approach
Automated, efficient and optimised solution covers all aspects of collateralisation to help support efficient asset management.